Macruronus Magellanicus
Known worldwide as Hoki, this species has gained prominence in the fishing waters of southern Chile and represents Friosur’s largest wild catch volume. Its meat is white, tender, and delicately flavored, making Hoki perfect for a wide variety of cooking methods. This fish inhabits deep waters, ranging from 200 to 800 meters, and can live up to 20 years.
The fishing season runs from June to September, with a closed season in August to ensure healthy Hoki populations in the ocean. Friosur’s Hoki is renowned in the European market, meeting the highest quality and sustainability standards.
Very white flesh, firm texture, and a very delicate flavor.

Learn more about this product

How is it marketed?
Fresh or frozen
Average weight
2 kg per unit
Fishing area
Between 40°S and 55°S.

- Fillets

Nutrition Information
Per 100 g of raw fillet (edible portion)
Energy 78.20 Kcal
Proteins 15,40%
Lipids 1.20
Fiber NSD
Sodium 0.10 mg
Iron 4.10 mg
Calcium NSD
Cholesterol 0.04%
Chemical Composition
Per 100 g of raw fillet (edible portion)
Agua 82.30%
Proteins 15,40%
Lipids 1.20
Ashes 1.00%
ENN 0.10%