Ser una empresa sustentable, que protege los recursos pesqueros y el medioambiente en el que opera, trabajando colaborativamente con la industria y los organismos del Estado.
Our Company

Friosur is founded on a sustainable business model, representing an honest, valuable, connected, and committed brand that resonates with today’s people and sensibilities.
Our Company
Our beginnings date back to 1985, when we started operations in Puerto Chacabuco, Aysén Region, under the umbrella of DERSA, an important and solid Chilean economic group (affiliated with the Inder group). In 1992, Grandi hf, a leading Icelandic company in the fishing industry, joined Friosur, bringing significant contributions, especially in fishing gear and technologies associated with production processes. In its first year, our company operated solely as a fishing company with a fleet of two ice carriers, the “Friosur I” and “Friosur II”, built in German shipyards. A year after our foundation, we also began aquaculture activities with salmon farming, opening “Santa María del Mar” in Aysén Fjord, a foundational center for salmon farming at Friosur.
From Aysén to the World
Today, Friosur is present in a wide variety of markets with fresh and frozen products, with strong commercial ties to countries like Spain, Portugal, Poland, the United States, Mexico, and Brazil. Chile is also one of our main markets, which we continue to strengthen for further growth, offering high-quality products for retail, supermarkets, as well as supply lines for casinos, concessionaires, and institutions.
We aim to promote the consumption of seafood in our country, which is why we have invested in significant local development, positioning Friosur Alimentos del Mar (FAM) as the undisputed leader in the domestic market. This allows us to cover various commercial segments such as supermarkets, foodservice, restaurants, hospitality, institutional sales, and different distributors.
For the development of our commercial activities in Spain and Portugal, we have a trading company located in the city of Vigo, the center of the Iberian Peninsula’s fishing industry. This company is called Europacífico Alimentos del Mar (EAM).
Friosur’s relationship with each of its clients is based on a long-term policy and vision, with a central focus on the quality and reliability of our products and processes, which hold important international certifications, including MSC and BRC. We strive for the highest quality standards to offer first-class products and meet the most demanding international markets.
Our Environment, Our Concern
At Friosur, caring for the environment and the sustainability of fishery resources is an essential part of what we do. We understand that only by safeguarding resources can we ensure the continuity of our activities over time. Therefore, we promote the responsible management of fisheries and maintain an active presence in Management Committees where fishery resource management plans are designed.
For nearly four decades, we have been a key pillar in the economic and social activity of Chilean Patagonia. We actively participate in regional development in the productive sector but also support projects in education, skills development, strengthening our unions, and building a stable and committed workforce that is dedicated to their work and region.
De Aysén a Chile y el mundo
Hoy Friosur está presente en una gran variedad de mercados con productos frescos y congelados, con sólidos vínculos comerciales con países como España, Portugal, Polonia, Estados Unidos, México y Brasil. Chile también es uno de nuestros principales mercados, el cual seguimos potenciando para un mayor crecimiento, ofreciendo productos de alta calidad para el retail, supermercados y también líneas de abastecimiento para casinos, concesionarios e instituciones.
Queremos fomentar el consumo de alimentos del mar en nuestro país, razón por la cual hemos apostado por un desarrollo local importante posicionando a Friosur Alimentos del Mar (FAM) como líder indiscutido del mercado interno. De esta manera cubrimos los diferentes segmentos comerciales como supermercados, foodservice, restaurantes, hostelería, ventas institucionales y diversos distribuidores.
Para el desarrollo de nuestra actividad comercial en España y Portugal contamos con una empresa comercializadora en la ciudad de Vigo, centro de la actividad pesquera de la península Ibérica. Dicha empresa se llama Europacífico Alimentos del Mar (EAM).
Pesquera Friosur basa la relación con cada uno de sus clientes en una política y mirada de largo plazo, que tiene como eje central la calidad y confiabilidad de nuestros productos y procesos, que cuentan con importantes certificaciones internacionales, entre ellas MSC y BRC. Buscamos los más exigentes estándares de calidad para poder ofrecer un producto de primer nivel y satisfacer a los mercados internacionales más exigentes.
Nuestro entorno, nuestra preocupación
Para Friosur el cuidado del medio ambiente y la sustentabilidad de los recursos pesqueros es parte esencial de nuestro quehacer. Entendemos que solo en la medida que se cuiden los recursos es posible darle continuidad a su actividad en el tiempo. Por ello, promovemos el buen manejo racional de las pesquerías y mantenemos una activa presencia en los Comités de Manejo donde se diseñan los planes de administración de los recursos pesqueros sobre los cuales operamos.
Por casi cuatro décadas hemos sido un pilar fundamental en la actividad económica y social en la Patagonia Chilena. Participamos activamente en el desarrollo regional del ámbito productivo, pero también en el apoyo a proyectos en el área de la educación, el desarrollo de competencias, el fortalecimiento de nuestros sindicatos y la consolidación de un capital humano estable y comprometido con su trabajo y su región.
Friosur exists to serve people, our employees, collaborators, owners, and all members of society, in harmony while protecting the environment. Friosur, in its work, generates wealth for prosperity and well-being. We want to be a model company for the society we are building.

To be a sustainable company that protects fishery resources and the environment in which it operates, working collaboratively with the industry and government agencies.

To be a company integrated and involved in the communities, promoting the development of all economic and social activities relevant to the Aysén region.

To be a company of people who believe in a high-performance culture, working collaboratively, inclusively, and professionally, with the capacity for innovation.

To be a company in continuous improvement of its processes to reach world-class standards.

To be a company that delivers quality food to different markets reliably and continuously.
Our Values

Care for People. The health and physical integrity of each of our employees is a priority. We will ensure optimal working conditions, and everyone will act safely in their functions.

Commitment to the Aysén Region. We are driven by regional development and actively engage in initiatives that, through collaboration, aim to promote social well-being, productive growth, and the preservation of resources.

Loyalty. We practice loyalty across all levels, regardless of hierarchical position within the organization, recognizing that everyone depends on one another to achieve both individual and corporate success.

Honesty. We always speak the truth and do what is right.

Respect. We maintain respectful interactions with everyone, regardless of hierarchical level within the organization. While we may disagree and debate, we always uphold a polite tone and appropriate language.

Responsibility. We take ownership of our actions, whether good or bad, and hold ourselves accountable for our decisions.

Collaboration. We work as a team, setting aside any barriers that may divide us. Everyone’s opinion is important, and our collective action is what leads us to success.

Innovation. We keep our minds open to change and always seek ways to improve, exploring new perspectives and analyses.